Hello all! In case you missed it this last weekend Kate ventured to Minnesota for the St. Paul Craftstravaganza and came back with tons o' things to tell me about and show me. First and most importantly - she brought me back presents! I got a bunch of new toys from both
Too Bad Mice and
Gentry Night Studios. Here's a photo of all of them:
Here's some photos of me playing with my new
strawberry ice cream cone from Too Bad Mice when I got back. I love it!
And here's me with my new piece of bacon from Gentry Night Studios. Also super amazing. I look a little bit goofy in the last photo, though.
Lastly I thought I'd share some of the photos she took on her trip.
This is a big, orange moose from her favorite stop in Black River Falls. Sadly, she missed her face in the photo. And didn't realize until she got back in her car that her cell phone was "loaded" with black and white "film" so you can't really tell it's an orange moose.
She stayed with her brother while she was visiting and got to enjoy the company of the many street cats that live in his neighborhood. You can see one in the background here watching them all eat.
While there her brother gave her an amazing birthday present: an antique bobble-head version of me! You can see it in the little gold top hat below on her shelf of knick-knacks. Best present ever.
Now back to the grindstone. Up next: Frankenstein.