
2013 Calendar Theme Contest

Help!  We need a theme for the 2013 calendar.  We really liked the last two years where we had themes rather than traditional holiday photographs.  (2011 was famous movies and 2012 is musical genres.)  But now we're stumped on what to do for 2013.  
Since we're always getting suggestions for photo ideas we thought that we'd ask you guys what you want to see and turn it into a contest.  Kate Funk, Brennan, and I will vote on the winning idea, and they will receive a free copy of the calendar their idea helped create!  (With a bit of a wait while we make it first.)
To enter, leave a comment on this post with your name and some way for us to contact you if you win (email, link back to your blog or profile, etc.).  
The contest ends at midnight (CST) of Saturday, December 31st and the winner be will chosen and announced on Sunday, January 1st.  
If you have trouble entering a comment, please email Kate at katefunk@katefunk.com instead.
We can't wait to hear what you are thinking!


  1. Famous monsters? Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, Wolfman, Creature from the Black Lagoon etc?

    Other animals? Dog, chicken, duck-billed platypus?

  2. Careers - doctor, lawyer, garbage man, postal worker

    Countries - paris with ac wearing a beret, spain with ac dressed as a matador, etc

  3. AC as famous works of art - Mona Lisa, The Scream, etc.


    80's AC - themed around awesome 80's movies like Teen Wolf and Back to the Future. I can see AC dressed up like Marty McFly.

  4. AC with Food. AC standing behind a nice warm apple pie or laying next to a piece of Chocolate Cake. You can lay him in a pizza box with a few pieces of crusts left.

    Nikole Harlan
    Gilroy, CA

  5. Famous cities: NYC, LA, Rio, Paris, Rome, London, Boston, Miami, San Francisco, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Mexico City, Mumbai, Shanghai, Moscow, Cairo (ok, so I include more than 12 there, but I wanted you to have some options :) )

  6. Famous people! Lady Gaga, Elton John, Abe Lincoln... you get the idea. :)


  7. Color. Each month is a different color theme with things that represent the color best and AC dresses according to each scene.

  8. Characters from famous books, fairytales, etc. (i.e. The Great Gatsby, Harry Potter, Huck Finn, Snow White and the 7 Dwarves, Cinderella, Frankenstein). I think I got my idea across

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. I was going with fairy tales, but Jen's idea covers those and broadens the idea. I like it.
